LIFT Weight Management

LIFT Wellness Center offers a weight management program created by HMR Plan, LLC to Jackson and West Tennessee. This highly structured diet and lifestyle change program aims to help with weight-loss goals, whether you are trying to lose 20 pounds or 100 pounds.

Why Fast Weight Loss Works

The HMR Plan, LLC, helps individuals achieve fast weight loss in a livable way by eating more and staying satisfied, which makes it easier to stick to the program in the short-term and over the long haul. According to LIFT Weight Management and LIFT Wellness Center Director, Miki Martin, “Losing weight quickly is incredibly motivating. It can help people stick with their diet longer, which is especially important if you have a lot of weight to lose. Many of our clients have 30, 40, even 100 or more pounds to lose, so fast weight loss is important to keep up the momentum.” Miki also adds, “It’s a common misconception that fast weight loss isn’t healthy or sustainable, and that it will lead to weight regain. That is simply not true. Studies have shown that following a lifestyle-change program that promotes fast initial weight loss is associated with better long-term success.”


HMR Plan, LLC, focuses on these three critical weight-loss and maintenance skill areas:

  1. Participating in a simple, structured weight loss plan
  2. Eating unlimited fruits and vegetables
  3. Increasing physical activity


Research has shown that practicing these skills may also help reduce the risk factors for the development of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, some types of cancer, and other chronic diseases.

How the Program Works

For 40 years, HMR Plan, LLC, has been offered at hospitals and medical facilities across the U.S. Based on the principles of behavioral science, the program includes:


Both in-clinic and at-home programs help participants meet and exceed the government standard of 5-10% of initial body weight, representing medically significant weight loss.

Patient Testimonial

Spencer lost over 100 pounds.

“Things that I enjoy about the program are the ease and flexibility to stay on track. The 3+2+5 gives me a ton of options to stay within guidelines even during hectic times!”

before and after weight loss

Victoria lost 100 pounds in 7 months.

“I whole-heartedly believe in this program. This program has saved my life and it is the only program that has worked and stayed with me. In the beginning people would approach me about losing weight, I would brush it off and move on. Now, I don’t mind telling people how I have changed my health and life for the better.”

before and after weight loss

Don lost 75 pounds in 6 months.

“I joined the LIFT and started a swimming workout program in their lap pool. After 3 months of daily workouts, I realized the only way to lose the weight I wanted to was to change my eating habits. So I decided to give the HMR Program a try. It’s been by far the easiest and quickest weight loss program I’ve ever been on.”

before and after weight loss

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