LIFT Weight Management


Spencer lost over 100lb

“Things that I enjoy about the program are the ease and flexibility to stay on track. The 3+2+5 gives me a ton of options to stay within guidelines even during hectic times!”


Don lost 75lb in 6 months

“I joined the LIFT and started a swimming workout program in their lap pool. After 3 months of daily workouts, I realized the only way to lose the weight I wanted to was to change my eating habits. So I decided to give the HMR Program a try. It’s been by far the easiest and quickest weight loss program I’ve ever been on.”


Victoria lost 100lb in 7 months

“I whole-heartedly believe in this program. This program has saved my life and it is the only program that has worked and stayed with me. In the beginning people would approach me about losing weight, I would brush it off and move on. Now, I don’t mind telling people how I have changed my health and life for the better.”


Don lost 50lb

“The support team at the Lift is exceptional and always there to help.  I have consistently lost weight.” “Just got word that my A1C dropped to 5.5, and I was instructed to discontinue my diabetes medication… that was my goal.”

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Wendy lost 60lb, and has maintained

“I joined because I wanted to feel better and feel better in my own skin. I love that HMR is laid out for you and very structured. I needed that! The meals and shakes are so good and very convenient and portable!”

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Sarah has lost over 90lb

“It is the easiest diet I’ve ever done. It takes the guesswork out of dieting, which is one of the biggest things I was struggling with. I don’t have to think about what to eat. It also helps to hold myself accountable.”

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Veronica lost over 50lb

“I’m extremely happy with the weight loss, decreased meds, and the overall feeling of ‘I’ve Got This’. This truly is a life changing journey.”

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