Member Assessments


All LIFT members have the opportunity to schedule a free fitness assessment and/or equipment orientation. They will also receive an individualized and tailored exercise plan as part of their membership. This is a great way for the member to learn his or her strengths and opportunities to improve in specific fitness areas.

Fitness Assessment

The fitness assessment is an hour-long scheduled appointment that reviews health history and has the member complete the PAR-Q and Health Risk Assessment. The member is taken through a series of tests based on health factors, then goals are discussed and set based on the individual’s PAR-Q, risk level, assessment findings, and personal goals.



One-On-One Consultation

The one-on-one consultation is a scheduled 30-minute session with an exercise specialist after the completion of the fitness assessment. The exercise specialist will review the exercise prescription with the member and instruct the member in the specific exercises to ensure understanding and provide the opportunity for questions and clarification. There will also be a folder created for the member to store his or her program for reference when at the facility.

man taking woman's blood pressure


The reassessment is scheduled after the member’s one-on-one consultation. This is set at intervals based on the individual’s risk assessment. A reassessment will be recommended every 3 months for those who are at high risk, every 6 months for those who are at moderate risk, and annually for those who are at low risk.


Exercise prescription and goals can then be modified or progressed based on reassessment findings or change in risk level.